GSF Saved 05-03-2024 02:42 1, 40.73657700, -96.66075000, "7401 Plum Creek Dr, Lincoln, NE", "Large garage sale – 7401 Plum Creek Drive (south of 40th and Pine Lake Rd) Friday, May 3 from 7:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m., Saturday, May 4th 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., Sunday 1/2 off day 12:00 – 4:00 p.m Girls clothes size 8 - 12 (Justice, Disney, Under Armour, Nike), jewelry, hair accessories, shoes, pajamas. Juniors clothing (American Eagle, boutique, Shein, Lululemon, Bridge by Gly, Ivory Ella, Under Armour, Adidas, Nike Pro), dresses, volleyball shorts, sports bras, swimsuits, jeans, shorts, dresses, (all seasons). Birkenstocks (water), jeans, jean shorts, Pius X items. Adidas tennis shoes. Children's items: legos, crafts, purses, backpacks, accessories, school items, and more. Brand Name women's clothes (casual and dress), jeans, shorts, dresses, purses, (Liverpool, Big Star, White House Black Market, Banana Republic, Kancan, Victoria’s Secret, Adidas, Buckle brands, Silver, Bridge by Gly, Ryka, Huskers, Nike, boutique brands); cowgirl boots, ON tennis shoes, dress shoes, and much more... Misc. Home décor and furnishings: sideboard and matching coffee table, custom curtains, ficus tree, bedding, shoe rack, vanity bench (white), and much more; Seasonal items. Misc. items: NE One club volleyball items, gymnastics mat, Dyson vacuum, puppy toys, small dog kennel, golf clubs. Everything priced reasonably and from No Smoking family."