GSF Saved 05-04-2024 22:09 1, 39.92305712, -85.37452454, "915 Cherry St, New Castle, IN", "Two garage sales in Alley behind 915 Cherry Street. Lost of nice clothing, jewelry, tools, lamps, dishes, motorcycle helmets, black scrubs xl way to much to list." 2, 39.83041800, -84.86264500, "2829 E Main St, Richmond, IN", "Huge Multi family garage sale! SATURDAY & SUNDAY! May 4th & 5th 2024 830am to 3pm (or later) We will be out rain or shine!!! 2829 E Main St, Richmond IN 47374 4 households contributing items including the following categories: Antiques, collectibles, records, fishing stuff, watches, jewelry, dvds, vhs tapes, furniture, toys, vintage toys, comics, piano rolls, 8 tracks, video games, electronics, bottles, music equipment, household, computer, camera equipment, pins, decor, clothing & more!" 3, 39.79851100, -85.52841700, "24 W Carey St, Knightstown, IN", "Possum Belly Hutch and Dough Cabinet, Pie Safe Cabinet, Hutch with roll top bread area, antique washstand with mirror, rectangular glass sink and waterfall faucet, kitchen/home décor, Mary Dunn Dolls, Longaberger Umbrella Basket, Mannequins, Pink depression dishes, Autumn Leaf Collectible Dishes and sweat shirts, Framed Ocean Pictures, and men's clothes LG/XLG/XXLG and Women's Clothes LG/XLG fill a bag for $5. NO REASONABLE OFFERS REFUSED, EVERYTHING MUST GO!"