GSF Saved 05-08-2024 17:55 1, 40.06124000, -88.26997700, "1011 Declaration Dr, Savoy, IL", "Moving sale and everything must go! 1011 Declaration Drive, Savoy Friday, May 10: 3-6 p.m. Saturday, May 11: 8 a.m. - Noon Items galore including: Furniture (full bed, bar hutch, outdoor bar, dining chairs, bedroom furniture and more) House decor (wall art, lamps, picture frames, baskets, greenery, and so much more that I could list) Kitchen items (plates, mugs, etc.) Fall, Christmas, Easter decorations Misc (Books, dog kennels, purses, Sports stuff (Illini items, wall art and more) AND MORE!!! Cash or Venmo accepted." 2, 40.10898200, -88.19658000, "506 Johnson Ave, Urbana, IL", "Come join us this weekend for a Bid Weird Yard Sale. Clothes, trinkets, tchotchkes, books, decor, kitchen items, art supplies, furniture, pet supplies, and more!! May 11th and 12th 9am-1pm Cash only"