GSF Saved 05-07-2024 16:26 1, 41.44068432, -87.05587654, "402 Audubon Dr, Valparaiso, IN", "Multi family sale 402 Audubon Dr, Valparaiso, IN as well as selling off a bunch of our collections of model trains- lots of Lionel/O-27, lots of HO gauge, a little bit of N gauge- scenery, cars, parts, and lots more- Kitchen table and chairs, adult clothing, bikes, travel grill, dishes, throw pillows, comforter, 5th wheel tripods, bike rack, lawn mower, home decor, coffee tables, sports equipment, hot wheels cars, graniteware pots, table lamps, dvds, and much much more. No early birds! Friday May 10 from 8-3 and Sat May 11 from 8-2."