5209 Manor Stone St, North Las Vegas, NV 89081
Dates and Times:
Garage Sales (Multiple Times/Dates)
Saturday, 12/14 8-4
Sunday, 12/15 8-4
Friday, 12/20 Appointment/Text only
Saturday, 12/21 Time and Sale TBD (Appointment/Text only unless things change) - Holidays
Sunday, 12/29 Time and Sale TBD (Appointment/Text only unless things change) - Holidays
Wednesday, 1/1 8/8:30-4
Friday, 1/3 Appointment/Text only
Saturday, 1/4 8-4
Sunday, 1/5 8-4
Saturday, 1/11 8-4
Sunday, 1/12 8-4
Friday, 1/17 TBD (Depends on how well garage sales prior go)
Saturday, 1/18 TBD (Depends on how well garage sales prior go)
Sunday, 1/19 TBD (Depends on how well garage sales prior go)
Beyond That… (TBD - Depends on how well garage sales prior go)
Homeware (Kitchen, Small Appliances, Candles, Knick Knacks, Home Décor, Mugs/Ceramic) – Prices Vary OBO
Clothes Adult sizes only (T-shirts, Shorts/Pants, Accessories) – Prices Vary, Tshirts $5 each OBO
Media (CDs, Records, VHS, DVD, Blu-Ray, some 4k) – Prices Vary OBO, CDs $2 each, Records $3 each, VHS (Non-animation $2 each, Animation $3 each), DVD only $2 each, Blu-Ray only $3 each, Blu-Ray/DVD combo $5 each *If DISNEY, add $1, 4K only $5 each, 4k/Blu-Ray combo $6 each OBO on any
Electronics (Stereos, DVD/VHS/Blu-Ray Players, Cameras, Internet Devices, Off Brand Fitness Trackers, Video Game Systems, Misc) – Prices Vary OBO
Collectibles/Toys (Toys, Stuffed Animals, Comics (Need to bring out), Beanie Babies, Books, Funko Pops, Etc) – Prices Vary OBO, Toys (Superhero, TMNT, Video Game), Stuffed Animals (Mostly Build-a-Bear) - Varies on price and more….
Miscellaneous (Pet Stuff, Kennels, Tools/Outdoor Tools, Fridge, ATVs (will sell later but can offer/view, etc)
And many more items… one persons trash/unwanted item is another mans treasure. Theres at least 1 item for everyone, just depends on the price. Pictures of items to follow, if not come on by to see)
Text or emailed preferred method
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