8671 W Stanford Ave, Littleton, CO 80123
Dates and Times:
CK & Done Estate Sale Music Notes and Victorian Treasures! We hope everyone is faring well in these crazy times! We are in Littleton / South Lakewood this time, near Wadsworth and Quincy. Two estates for one in this sale! The first (the home) is lovely and packed with music instruments, old tools, some great collectibles and gently used furniture. The second estate is the remainder of the Victorian Treasure Trove - over 47 years of collecting and selling. Sewing notions, buttons, glass and porcelain....too much to list. We'll see your smiling faces there!We do not do pre sales, sorry! Once we've opened to the public (i.e. after 10 am the first day) you're welcome to contact us about purchases over the phone etc. We always welcome questions about the sale or items any time including prior to the sale, we just don't sell early!Please remain at a safe distance from your fellow shoppers and if you don't feel safe coming in person, we are happy to assist you in any way we can including online / phone purchases. Contact us for more details!We welcome questions, offers and general inquiries. Music Instruments; Guitar, Banjos, Accordion, Bongo Drumsand more!Buttons, antique, old venetian, glass, copper, brass etcBeadsCostume jewelryOriginal artworksLinocuts, wood blocksPrints, art postersSewing notions, hooks, bobbins, darning toolsPin back buttonsNavajo rugRocking chairsHat pinsPerfume bottlesSundriesDough binTrundle sewing machineAria electric guitarLP Bongo DrumsTambourineBanjosBeatles postersNavy uniformLinensQuiltsVintage wedding dressOutdoor clothingBroncos gearIron full bed50s ceramicPursesSewing machinesCapodimonte porcelainSalt cellarsBooks, fictionDesksArts and crafts suppliesOld bottlesMen's clothingFabric pressesSteins, porcelain and pewterHandicap gearFlatwareWhirlygigsPatio furniturePressed glass, milk glassHand painted porcelainMarble top dresserHelmetsLawn mowerSmall hand tools, some power toolsGolf clubsMajolica itemsAmpsBinocularsBoard GamesTramp artFunky hatsNutcrackersHalloween decorChristmas decor, ornaments, Figurines etcHazel alas glassCDsSome vinyl recordsClown FigurinesNative American FigurinesSand paintingTea potsLace, tatting, crochetLamp finialsEpergnesMiss brass hardwareAnd so much more!
Sale Source:
Estate Sales & Estate Auctions - EstateSales.org
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